Stourhead Benefice is a group of eight churches here in rural West Suffolk. Each church has its own individual characteristics. Take a look at each one on the "our churches" tab.
Our Rector is Fr Christopher Giles. His contact details are listed below.
Information about parking and accessibility is available under each individual parish.
All are welcome to our services.
Evening Prayer at St Peter and St Paul Kedington 5pm.
10 am - 12 noon Dolce Gusto Coffee Morning St Peter and St Paul Kedington.
10am Said Holy Communion at St Peter and St Paul, Kedington
Sunday 2 March
10am Sung Holy Communion St Peter and St Paul Kedington
Sunday 9 March
8am Said Holy Communion St Peter and St Paul Kedington
4pm Lent Course at St Peter and St Paul, Kedington
10am Sung Holy Communion All Saints Great Thurlow
Sunday 16 March
10am Sung Holy Communion St Mary's Great Wratting
4pm Lent Course at St Peter and St Paul, Kedington
10am Family Service at St Peter's Little Thurlow
Sunday 23 February
10am Sung Holy Communion St Mary the Virgin Great Bradley
4pm Lent Course at St Peter and St Paul, Kedington
6pm Evensong St Peter and St Paul Kedington
We are maintaining good hygiene practises including, for example, priests and servers using alcohol-based hand-sanitiser before Holy Communion, and before distributing the consecrated wafers.
Sharing of the common cup is now permitted. However, if you do not wish to receive from the Chalice, please say ‘Intinct’ as the Priest approaches you, and they will intinct (or dip) the wafer in consecrated wine from a separate Chalice.
Gluten Free wafers are available. If you require a gluten free wafer at communion, please speak to the priest or a member of the Ministry Team before the service.