Redgrave cum Botesdale with the Rickinghalls

Welcome to our Parish Church, the Anglican community in the Suffolk villages of Redgrave, Botesdale and Rickinghall.  Rev Helen Grover has been appointed as our new priest in charge and will be licensed on September 19th. Meanwhile,please contact either of our Churchwardens Kit Brinkley (01379 678279) or Lynne Wills (01379 890732), or the Rural Dean, Revd Canon Susan Loxton  [email protected] or 01379 388493.

What's on

Holy Communion, Botesdale

Sunday 28 July 2024, Sunday 18 August 2024, Sunday 22 September 2024, Sunday 27 October 2024 Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Botesdale Chapel of Ease
Botesdale Diss, IP22 1HA, United Kingdom

Common worship

BCP Holy Communion

Sunday 04 August 2024, Sunday 01 September 2024, Sunday 06 October 2024 Sunday at for 45 mins
Rickinghall, St Mary
Bury Road, Rickinghall Rickinghall Diss, IP22 1HD, United Kingdom

Traditional Book of Common Prayer

The Singsong

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Redgrave
The Street Redgrave Diss, IP22 1RW, United Kingdom

Come and sing, come and listen, come and chat or just come and be.

We are taking a break for August and September - back in October.

Our churches