Our Church Yards

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We would like people to know that we take good care of our Church Yards which are regularly cut throughout the summer. 

We also have 'Tidy Ups' twice a year in Spring and Autumn where we take unwanted ivy and other plants away from some graves however, it is expected that the graves are kept tidy by relatives and it is not our personal responsibility. We also ask that no mental objects are left near the grass as this is dangerous for the person mowing and strimming.

There is a service in Hadleigh which provides care for graves should this  be something you would like so that the grave you are caring for is kept continually in tip top condition.

We do have a bench at the start of the Church Yard dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II in her Platinum Jubilee year where you can sit and look down the hill towards the village and take in the view. We would like to have a few more benches placed in the grave yard for people to rest and be at peace with those they have lost.