Monks Eleigh Benefice

There are 5 Churches with the Monks Eleigh Benefice - St Peters, Monks Eleigh; All Saints, Chelsworth: St Mary's, Brent Eleigh; St Peters, Milden and St Mary's, Kettlebaston.

Services rotate around the 5 Churches and Rev Mike Birt is the Benefice Rector. We have 3 Elders serving here - Sue Birt, Ann Perry and Maureen Morris. 

What's on


Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
The Rectory
The Street Monks Eleigh, IP7, United Kingdom

Every Tuesday afternoon from 2.30pm at The Rectory there is a Home Bible Study Group. All are welcome.
We will be looking into depth the readings given from the previous Sunday Service. It is an opportunity to further explore the Bible.
Refreshments are served at the beginning of the Home Group

Our churches