New St Michael's Toddler Group get's off to a flying start!

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St Michael’s Baby and Toddler group was launched earlier this month and has already welcomed over 20 new families to the church. The group runs from 9.30-11am every Thursday and is run by Emma and a small team of volunteers. Every week we have free play for the first 45 minutes and then we have our snack time. The children are offered fresh fruit or vegetable sticks, a healthy snack and a biscuit. The grown-ups get good coffee and chocolate biscuits!

At 10.45am we tidy up and gather in a circle in the middle of the room for story and song time. Each week we have a story from ‘The Play-Along Bible’ which is a short retelling of a bible story with simple actions that the children join in with. During the session we have craft and play opportunities that link with the story. We then have our song time which is mainly traditional nursery rhymes with a couple of Christian songs too. We close with a ‘thought to make your heart sing’ for the adults and a sung blessing for the children (to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!)

We hope that more and more families come along each week and that we see friendships starting to grow.