Fressingfield, St Peter & St Paul
The parish church of St Peter & St Paul in Fressingfield has been standing since the 14th century with many interesting historical features, including 15th century pews. The church is open every day for visitors.
We are committed to worshipping God, growing in love and faith, serving our community, loving God and our neighbours. We have four Sunday services a month which include traditional and contemporary worship and we enjoy refreshments and a chat afterwards.
There is a benefice newsletter published monthly for our six parishes and you can have this emailed to you if you contact the benefice administrator on [email protected]
All Saints' Mendham
All Saints Parish Church, Mendham is a beautiful church sat on the edge of the Waveney river. It has a stunning Ascension East window, a place to sit and find peace. There is a larder in the church which you can donate tins and packets of food or help yourself to if you are struggling.
We are committed to loving God and our neighbours and serving the community where we can. We have a strong relationship with our local school, Revd Diane goes into take assemblies as does the Open the book team, and the school come into church for special occasions and services.
We have two services a month. The first Sunday is the village service which is informal with some singing, often guitarists, bible reading, reflection and open discussion. We begin at 10.15am with coffee and chat. This service is very suitable if you want to dip your toe in. The third Sunday is Holy Communion 10.30am with hymns etc.
Metfield, St John the Baptist
The parish church of Metfield is a beautiful, light church with lots of history in the centre of the village. We are committed to loving God and our neighbours and serving ur parish where we can.
Very friendly people who will welcome you to any of their services or events.
There is the informal gathering on the 1st Sunday at 9.30am when people bring a poem or reading, there is chat, refreshments and a prayer at the end with coffee and time to chat.
2nd Sunday 10.30am there is a village service with hymns, bible reading and reflection, prayers and coffee after.
4th Sundays 10.30am service of Holly Communion - a little more traditional, also with hymns etc and coffee after the service.
We also have a larder where you can donate tins and packets of food and to help yourself to if you are struggling.
St Andrew Weybread
"The parish Church of St. Andrews Weybread is a lovely round tower church with some very interesting stained glass windows. It is located on the edge of a farm. It has a lovely well kept churchyard (by volunteers in the village) and we have a service on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 10.30am. This is a family service, quite informal with some hymns, bible reading and reflection and prayers followed by refreshments - great cake!
Also on every 5th Sunday we have our benefice service there at 10.30am this is Holy Communion also followed by refreshments.
You are very welcome to join us.
Withersdale, St Mary Magdalene
The beautiful, fairly small, well kept church of St Mary Magdalene, Withersdale is well worth a visit. It has lots of history and is a quiet space where you can find peace.
We have a service once a month on 2nd Sundays at 8.30am, it is a service of Holy Communion in the style of Book of Common Prayer. A said service of about 30 minutes. A wonderful start to a Sunday.
We also have seasonal services for Harvest and Christmas.
We draw people from the parish and beyond who have a love for the Book of Common Prayer. A warm welcome awaits you.
All Saints', Stradbroke
The Parish of Stradbroke is a rural village with a population of about 1200. All Saints Parish Church is in the centre of the village. We are working hard to keep the building maintained and to serve our community where we can.
We have two services a month; 1st Sundays at 10.30am we have an informal service that begins with refreshments, we sing, listen to a bible reading, have a reflection and we often have a discussion that anyone can join in or you can just listen. We welcome everyone whether you have a faith are not sure or just curious. Come and join us.
3rd Sundays we have Holy Communion, bi monthly it is at 10.30am and we have hymns and coffee after the service, the alternate months it is at 8.30am and a said service in the style of the Book of Common Prayer.