Services in the benefice for July 2024

Services for July 2024

Sunday 7th July
Sixth Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Hoxne         RC
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Wingfield         RC
4.00 pm, Messy Church, Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall         ML + team

Sunday 14th July
Seventh Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Redlingfield         RC
9.30 for 10.00 am, Café Church, Hoxne         EG

Sunday 21st July
Eighth Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne         JM
10.00 am, Village Service, Syleham         ML
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Denham         EG
11.15 am, BCP Holy Communion, Horham         JM
6.00 pm, BCP Evensong, Wingfield         EG

Sunday 28th July
Ninth Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Syleham         EG
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne         EG
4.00 pm, All Age service, Hoxne         EG

EG - Revd Eleanor Goodison
JM - Revd John McCracken
RC - Revd Richard Court
ML - Mary Lewis