This year, we must create a new electoral roll. This means that even if you thought you were already on the electoral in your village, you need to apply to go on again this year.
As the new Priest in Charge here in the Stodden Churches, I want to encourage you to apply to go on the electoral roll and want to suggest it is really important to being part of your local community. Our 6 churches are right at the heart of our local communities and so if you want to demonstrate you are part of your community and engage in the future of your local church then going on to the electoral roll is a key element in that process.
So, are there qualifications to being out on the electoral roll? YES
Firstly, you must be aged 16 by the beginning of May 2025 when we are holding our Annual Parochial Church Meetings and you must have been baptised BUT you do not have to be baptised in a Church of England. AND either be resident in the parish or if you are not resident in the parish, you “have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the last 6 months. That does not mean you have to go to every service. I have not managed that! If you came for Christmas and Easter, although we would love to see you more often, then you would qualify. If you go somewhere else where you are a church member and you want to be on the electoral roll of your local church then you can be, provided that other church believes in the Holy Trinity.
Can I be on the electoral roll of more than one Anglican church? Yes, so long as you meet the above qualifications.
To apply please complete the online form here and remember to state which parish’s electoral roll you are applying to join.
Thank you
Revd. Simon Aley, Priest in Charge, Stodden Churches