This weeks round up - 09/02/25

Welcome sheet for 9th February 2025.docx Download
Readings for Sunday 9th February 2025.docx Download
The Lent Study course for Lent 2025.docx Download
Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear All

As I sit here, although it was a frosty morning the sun is shining. Snowdrops and crocus can be seen in St James churchyard, and it is hard not to feel hopeful when we see those signs of spring around us. We have a little way to go yet but I am encouraged by the signs of Spring and also for the signs of growth in all our services and activities across the Benefice.

Wednesday Welcome was a treat this week as we were able to welcome Keith and Paul (The Racketeers) to play for us. Doreen loved it as she loves a bit of rock ‘n’ roll – lots of us were dancing in our seats and singing away to all the tunes we recognised. A great deal of fun was had by all. Please do tell your friends and neighbours about Wednesday Welcome – the next one will be Wednesday 5th March.

The Ministry team have been thinking already about Easter and prior that to Lent. We have chosen the Lent study of Holy Habits. The information is attached to this e-mail. We hope to see many of you taking the Lent Bible study with us, if you would like the prayer reflections for the 40 days of Lent please sign up at the back of church and I will order them for you. They are currently costing £3.99 each.

This Sunday our service of Holy Communion will be at 9.30 am at St James, High Wych

Our second Holy Communion service of the day will take place at St Mary’s, Gilston at 11.15 am.

I hope to see you at one of our services.

Every blessing
