This weeks update - 19/10/24

Welcome sheet for 20th October 2024.docx Download
Readings for 20th October 2024.docx Download
Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear All

As I write this in my boots, jumper and woolly socks, with the heating on – I am so hot!!! It turns out that it is 21.5 degrees outside.

Our weather is really weird at the moment.

I wonder how your week is going? I must admit there have been a few irritating things happening like phones not working, computer doing strange things and my tyre springing a leak on my car – please do not currently leave me a message on my home phone as I cannot pick messages up and I am waiting for BT to fix the problem.

Apart from that…..

I have been busy in the school so far this week, with Year 1 coming into the church on Monday, Collective worship in the school on Tuesday, and a SIAMS meeting today as governors. If you would like to be more involved with the school and can envision yourself on the governing board as a Foundation Governor, please do have a word with me. We are currently looking to fill this position from the Church if possible.

Please read the attached Welcome sheet as it is full of information you will want to know as we head through October and into November. The new Link magazine will be available over the next week and then it is onto all the Christmas services and activities……. How quickly we seem to have moved from summer into the Christmas season!!

Just a reminder that we have our churchyard tidy up session at St Botolph’s church on Saturday 19th October 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm, if you are able to make it – hopefully the weather will be like today!

This Sunday we are able to meet at 9.30 am at St James, High Wych, and we also have a baptism at St James, High Wych in the afternoon at 3.00 pm.

Please pray for Isabel and her family as they bring her to be baptised. Her brother comes to our Jim’s café for Year 7’s and it has been a pleasure to get to know the family over this year.

Looking forward to meeting with you again soon.

Every blessing
