This week in the Benefice

Welcome sheet for 22nd September 2024.docx Download
Readings for Sunday 22nd September 2024.docx Download
Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear All

I thought this week might calm down a little after the excitement and busyness of the Scarecrow Festival but I was wrong.

Hopefully, you have all received this latest month’s Link or G and E parish magazine,(or will do very soon) and you will see that with Harvest services, Scarecrow Festival feedback, Bible study and all the other events like concerts, dog walks, McMillan coffee morning etc we are in for a joyful Autumn.

Top of my mind at the moment though is the shortlisting, interviewing and selection of a New Headteacher for our Church of England school in High Wych.

This is such an important appointment for our children and our Church and I would ask that you will all pray for this process. The shortlisting is this evening and then the interview day is Thursday 26th September, all day with a decision, hopefully, being made that evening. I am heavily involved with this process and I need your prayer support to cover this. Please pray that the right person is selected to lead our school both educationally, emotionally and spiritually.

Following on from this the following week sees the SIAMS inspection for the school (which is the equivalent of the Church of England’s OFSTED and I will also be heavily involved in this process too), this will also need your prayers.

I do ask for patience from you all as these duties are all extra to my normal weekly pattern and are making my next couple of weeks very squished. If I do not respond as quickly as you would like or are not as available I hope I will have your understanding.

This Sunday sees us with our 9.30 am service of communion at St James, High Wych followed by our new Family Service at St Botolph’s, Eastwick at 11.15 am. I hope to see you at one of these services.

Every blessing
