Weekly update - 23/06/24

Welcome sheet for 23rd June 2024.docx Download
Readings for Sunday 23rd June 2024.docx Download
Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear Friends

The sunshine has arrived and so has the café in High Wych.

Sam has done his London to Brighton bike ride; friends have moved; I’ve been to the Clergy Conference and am back – what a week.

And, good things are still happening - It is our Great Get Together on Saturday at High Wych Memorial Hall from 10.00 am to 12 noon, to remember MP Jo Cox and to encourage our community to come together. I hope to see many of you getting involved with this with your friends and neighbours as we begin to make bees for the Scarecrow Festival (amongst other things).

There will be a children’s table and resources available as well, so come along, and have some fun.

Our First service on Sunday will be at St James at 9.30 am

And then we will be at St Botolph’s for 11.15 am when our Mission Enabler, Rosemary Davis will be taking Morning prayer and I will be leading a dog walk from the War Memorial in Eastwick. Both followed by refreshments.

If you would like to join us for our online prayer session on Tuesday morning at 9.30 am we would love to see you there. See the link with all the info on the Welcome sheet – we are praying for our General Elections at this time using the resource given out by Archbishops Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell, a copy of the booklet is at the back of church.

