Jam packed Rev's update this week! - 05/06/24

welcome sheet 9th June 2024.docx Download
Readings for Sunday 9th June 2024.docx Download
Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear All

By the time you read this – we will be into all the events we have to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.

You are very welcome to attend a short time of reflection and a lying of a wreath at St James at 12 noon on Thursday 6th June and also a Thanksgiving Service at 7.00 pm at St Mary’s, Gilston, followed by bell ringing and prosecco.

We have as many people signed up for the Saturday event as we can cater for and we are really looking forward to that.

It is still not too late to come to St Mary’s on Sunday afternoon for the dog walk (dogs not essential) to Hunsdon Airfield where Kirsty and Paul are going to give us a short talk about how important the airfield was during WW11.

Then back to St Mary’s for refreshments. If you do not want to walk why not join us at St Mary’s from 4.00 pm for Christine and Rosemary’s lovely cake.

Next week I am away at the Clergy Conference from Monday through to Thursday so if you have any urgent requests please talk to Janet or Sam. I will be checking my messages and e-mails throughout my time away when possible, but I will not be at the Rectory (although my family will be).

I hope you are enjoying the turn in the weather to less rain and I hope I will see you at any of our D-Day events or at either of our normal Sunday services 9.30 am Communion service at St James and 11.15 am Communion service at St Mary’s, Gilston.

Every blessing
