What's coming up this week?

welcome sheet 12th May 2024.docx Download
Readings for Sunday 12th May 2024.docx Download
Easter Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear All

Well, the sun has arrived this week – Yippee – I feel like I have been holding my breath and waiting for this week for so long.

I do not sit out in the sun particularly, but seeing it and feeling it on my face makes me so happy.

For this next 10 days we are being called to follow ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ a worldwide wave of prayer which has spread to over 172 countries around the world.

We are being called in this 10 days – 9th to the 19th May to pray and wait for the outpouring of the gift of the Holy Spirit, praying for 5 people we would dearly love to come to know Jesus Christ.

The resources can be found both at the back of St James, High Wych and St Mary’s, Gilston – both churches that are open every day between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm for quiet pray.

Please help yourself to the resources and pray for 5 people, your friends, or family, that you would like to draw closer to God through this time, pray also to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit anew in your own lives. God hears us when we pray.

The Alpha course has started well but can still be joined next Wednesday at 8.30 pm without losing anything from the content, (please contact me for the online link invitation), after that it is wait until the next one we run. The Alpha course helps you to understand a little more about the Christian faith and gives you a safe space to ask questions – no question is too small or too large, that we will not benefit by discussing it together.

Please read our Welcome sheet for all the events that are happening through the rest of May and June, enjoy the sunshine.

Should you want to talk to me – my contact details are on the bottom of this e-mail.

Every blessing
