Foodbanks in Borehamwood

Details of three free food outlets in Borehamwood - 'WD6 Food Support', 'Gratitude' and 'Borehamwood Foodbank' - can be found in the attachment below.

Borehamwood Foodbank works by using a voucher referral system. They understand that anyone can find themselves at a crisis point for different reasons.

If you are struggling to put food on the table, please get in touch with Borehamwood Foodbank:

St Teresa's Church, 291 Shenley Rd, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 1TG

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0203 583 1109



Cash donations are also important, especially in winter, so that the foodbank can help with fuel poverty by giving fuel grants and also to purchase fresh items such as bread and vegetables to add to food parcels.

Cash donation– Please hand-deliver your cash donation to our office during a Monday or Thursday session, along with a donation form.

Cheques– Please post your cheque, payable to Borehamwood Foodbank, to The Borehamwood Foodbank, 291 Shenley Rd, Borehamwood WD6 1TG, along with a donation form.

Bank Transfer– please make bank transfer directly to: HSBC, Borehamwood Branch, Sort code 40-12-27, Account number 91554581. Reference: your surname. Please also complete and return a donation form.

Items can be taken to the foodbank during opening hours:

Monday - 1.00 pm - 3:30 pm

Thursday - 10.00 am - 12:30 pm

or put into the Food Box at the front of Tesco

Thank you 

Food_Outlets_in_Elstree_and_Borehamwood, PDF
