On Thursday 16th January, many of us travelled by coach to attend the Institution, Induction and Installation service (it was obviously the IN-thing to do!!) for Rev. William Davie, our once curate, now vicar of Bramley and Grafham in the Diocese of Guildford. It was a wonderful service led by the Bishop of Dorking, Paul Davies and the Archdeacon of Surrey, Catharine Mabuza.We wish William well, and let us continue to uphold the family in prayer as they embark on this new chapter of their lives.
If the Parish Office is closed, or you can’t reach the Team Vicar, you can call 07351 426841 A member of the Pastoral Team will answer your call and take details, forwarding your message to the appropriate person. A Pastoral Emergency would be: need for support from the Parish Food Bank, Hospital/Emergency Baptism, Hospital Communion during serious illness, Last Rites or prayers at the time of death. Please note that this number is for emergencies only – any routine enquiries (scheduled Baptism, weddings, etc) should be made through the usual routes, either through the Wardens or the Parish Office.
The Church was full (as was the Community Centre for the 'afternoon tea' that preceded it) as we gathered to bid farewell, and to give thanks for the ministry of Brian and Karen Senior. It was a beautiful service, filled with uplifting worship, thoughtful reflections and a chance to express our deep gratitude both to God and to Brian and Karen for all they have done. A particularly moving part of the service was when Brian and Karen symbolically laid down, and handed back the symbols of office - some of which had been presented to them at the start of their ministry - such as the Bible, Prayer Book, Chalice and Paten (cup and plate!) keys to the four churches within the parish and also their diaries! We are thankful for all Brian and Karen have done for the parish of South Gillingham, and have been especially blessed to have benefitted from their strong partnership. We are grateful for the blessing and encouragement they have been as they have faithfully served God within our parish - for their wisdom, patience, humour and grace, and for their generous, open-hearted hospitality. As a church, we will continue to hold them in our prayers as they embark upon this exciting new chapter of their lives, and as we enter this new season in the life of our church, we promise to be faithful in praying for and supporting our church family - especially for those who will lead and minister during the vacancy.
We are very excited to be launching this new group for secondary school aged young people in years 7-11. As well as a range of games and activities, we will be offering lunch to all those that come! Please let Tracey know if you are planning come (posgchildrensteam@gmail.com) so that there is enough food for everyone, and also let us know if you have any food allergies/intolerances. If you are coming to Youth Group, you are of course very welcome to come to the 10.30am service before hand and stay on.Hope to see you there!
Parish of South Gillingham: Adult Community Hub Activities Monday Monday Hub – 9.45am to 12.15pm on alternate Mondays, including games, quizzes and refreshments. A small admission charge. St Paul’s Knit and Natter – 2-4pm, every 2nd Monday of the month, for knitters/non knitters who want to enjoy a natter! St Matthew’s Film Club – 2pm last Monday of the month (except for August and December). A small admission charge. St Matthew’s Tuesday The Rainham Dementia Café (run by Age UK) – 1.00-3.00pm on 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. St Paul’s Wednesday Carer’s Coffee Morning – 10am–12 noon every 2nd Wednesday of each month. Rainham Library, Birling Avenue ME8 7LR Thursday Place of Welcome – 10am-12noon weekly. A drop-in with refreshments and a chat. St Matthew’s Thursday Club – 2-4pm (not August or Christmas). Open to anyone over 50. Provides a range of speakers and entertainers + a range of outings throughout the year. Annual subscription and a small admission charge. St Matthew’s Friday Bredhurst Village Hub – 9.30-11.30am on the last Friday of each month (not August or December). Activities include card making, jigsaws, crosswords and games. Refreshments free but a donation welcome. Bredhurst Village Hall For further information please contact the Parish Office on 01634 231736.