Holy Trinity with St John's Penge (Holy Trinity Site)
You will always be welcome at Holy Trinity with St John's Penge (St John's site). We are a diverse community of people of all ages and from all walks of life, and we would love you to join us for worship on Sundays and for our range of community activities across our two sites throughout the week. Email us at office@htsj-penge.church to request a Zoom link to join our service remotely or to be added to the distribution list for our weekly email, News & Notices.
Holy Trinity with St John's Penge (St John's Site)
You will always be welcome at Holy Trinity with St John's Penge. We are a diverse community of people of all ages and from all walks of life, and we would love you to join us for worship on Sundays and for our range of community activities across our two sites throughout the week. Email us at office@htsj-penge.church to request a Zoom link to join our service remotely or to be added to the distribution list for our weekly email, News & Notices.