Services this week

30th June - St Peter and St Paul
10:00 Eucharist - Shiplake
15:00 Bell Ringers - Shiplake
OT - Zechariah 4.1-6a, 10b-end NT - Acts 12.1-11 Matthew 16.13-19

09:00 Morning Prayer on Zoom
09:45 Staff Meeting
14:30 Tower House Communion

14:00 Prayer Group - Harpsden
19:30 Bell Ringing Practice

09:00 College Leavers' Service - Shiplake
10:00 Mid week Eucharist - Harpsden
Gospel - John 20.24-29
11:00 Bible Study - Harpsden
14:30 Cuppa and Chat - Dunsden


12:30 Choir Practice - Harpsden


7th July - 6th Sunday after Advent
09:30 Sung Eucharist - Harpsden
11:00 Sung Eucharist - Shiplake
11:00 Morning Praise - Dunsden
OT - Ezekiel 2.1-5 NT - 2 Corinthians 12.2-10 Gospel - Mark 6.1-13
16.00 Archdeacons Visitation Service - Dorchester Abbey - all are welcome to go and support your Wardens as they are sworn in.

Details of services for June and July are available here.
The Church of England Daily Prayers (text and audio) are available here.