Upcoming dates

Anna Lunch

Thank you to all who kindly filled in my questionaire. In principle, a monthly lunch on a Thursday came out as your first choice. Secondly, afternoon tea on a Tuesday or Thursday and definitely not a coffee morning ..’as one has to get up early.’
The first lunch was deemed a success by all that attended. I am indebted to Gill, Audrey and Leonie my helpmates and to those that very kindly donated soup, crumble and cake to enhance the lunch. 

Several have asked ‘ when is the next ? And ‘ can I come?’ Of course you can … as the logo suggests it includes all those in maturity! As an octogenarian myself , I prefer to be mature ..like wine mellowing gracefully …as I am sure we all are ! Not old! Though it has now been deemed that any one over the age of 65 is old ! So the flood gates are open for you all to come!

Another lunch is in the planning stages early in July and afternoon teas in late July / early August and the chance to admire the view. Lunch will be at Dunsden, teas …at venues yet to be decided ! 

Lunch will be for the first 20 that wish to come , so register your interest now. Don’t worry I am keeping a register ..you will ALL get a turn !

Revd Heather [email protected] or 07946352026 .

Harpsden Lunch
Unfortunately there will not be a Harpsden Lunch on Wed 3rd July but hopefully I will be able to organise the lunch on Wednesday 7th August.
Hazel Cooke

The Trinity Season

The Trinity Season… at least in Godly play speak …is our growing season ! But are we still growing in mind, body and spirit ? Exactly where you are in pathway of life, is between God and yourself, but does it need a bit more of the divine energiser in your life : the Holy Spirit?
I have chosen to illustrate this article with my Eucharistic stole, appropriately green for our ‘ growing season. ‘ Trinity ‘ for me is a time for reflection, as well as seeking God’s plans for the next year.
Why Trinity you may be asking ? On Trinity Sunday 2024 I had been ordained as a woman priest for thirty years …definitely a time to take note of the changing environment of the church today compared with 1987 when I was told I could seek ordination. Like that proverbial curate's egg, both good and not so good have marked my efforts to serve God, in the mind and style of Christ ever since.
We often overlook the fact that whilst Jesus ultimately redeemed humanity from its wrong doings, he was often radical in his approach, as he strived to right the balance between right and wrong. Take last week's gospel reading illustrating Jesus healing the Man with the withered hand scenario. The Pharisees ( the zealous religious police of the day) were prepared to overlook the miracle in chastising Jesus but on the sabbath, utterly unforgivable!
Reflecting on our Lord’s actions in a Picture, Ponder, Pray stance, enables us to in turn as Christ’s envoys sometimes ‘to think outside the box’ in responding to the needs of His Father's world.
My stole, created especially for me prior to be coming a deacon in 1990, depicts my role of becoming a fisher for humanity, in many ways the principle remains…though the environment now, in our multi cultural world has changed drastically. No longer do children necessarily learn about Jesus or Christianity as a matter of rote , either in the home or school.
Originally, there was a fertile seed bed of Bible stories and hymnody to build on whereas many of the younger generation are unaware of a spiritual element in their lives. ( Tribute must be paid here to Shelagh and her team in re -establishing our now flourishing Sunday school. Truly fisher women !)
The rainbow on my stole is a sign of God’s promise of steadfast faithfulness in all things. I, personally, count my blessings one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.’ ( to slightly misquote that CMS chorus )
Can Revd. Robert, Pam or I help you grow / nurture your spirituality, on your own personal pilgrim path during this Trinity season? Please do ask, we are here to help in your divine evolutionary growing.

Revd Heather.

Contacting the clergy
Please try not to telephone any member of the clergy between 09:00 - 09:45 on Monday and Wednesdays as they are either taking Morning Prayer, attending a staff meeting, leading mid week Eucharist or involved with the bible study group.
Please also respect that Friday is Revd Robert's day off and consider if your call can wait.
Revd Pam and Revd Heather give their time freely to the benefice on a part time basis and they are not always available to answer calls or emails immediately.

Zoom meetings
As we are no longer paying for a subscription, our meetings are now restricted to 40 minutes. The time starts from the moment the first person enters the meeting so, please, do not enter before the set time.

Seeking Volunteers
Thank you to those who have come forward already. There are a number of opportunities available for supporting your church and local community:

Churchwarden and Treasurer for Shiplake Church; Sacristans and Chalice Assistants for all churches

If any of these roles appeal, or you’d just like to know more, please speak to one of the clergy team.

Expanding our Pastoral Care Team
We are planning to expand our Pastoral Care Team and extend an invitation to anyone who feels called to be a visitor to the housebound, taking Home Communion and/or journeying with people who have been bereaved, preparing for marriage or having children Baptised.
If this is of interest, please contact Revd Robert for a discussion about what is involved.
Training and mentoring will be offered.