Please see below for where to find information on the Christmas services.

The next 3rd Sunday at 3 service on the 15th December at 3pm will also be Shiplake's Carol Service, find out what will feature in the service here. Please come at 2pm to join in with hand chimes.

This Lent, there will be a new House Group with David Williams, starting Ash Wednesday, 2025, find out more details here:

Please read the article below for information on what to do in a health emergency during a service or church activity:

Shiplake Church needs a cleaner for two hours a week. Times are flexible. If you are interested, please contact Leigh:

Thank you for visiting our website. What do you think? Did you find what you are looking for? Please let us know, click here for more information:

Shiplake Handbell ringers meet on a Friday morning and would love to welcome new members, no experience necessary. See below for more information:

Thank you to those who have come forward already. There are a number of opportunities available for supporting your church and local community, please see the notice for more information:

Knitting for Uganda.png

Babies at a mission hospital in Uganda are benefiting from lovely knitted hats and jumpers, see the attached file for more information and how to help:

Please find below notes on the best time to contact the clergy and a note on Zoom meetings: