We have a wide array of events happening across the Benefice and are keen to share the details with as many people as possible, so we have a new "Social Events" page on this website, more details here:
On May 11th at 4.30, the Bishop of Dorchester, Bishop Gavin, will confirm candidates at Shiplake Church. If you are interested in being baptised or confirmed, please see here:
Revd Heather will be taking a service at Dunsden on the 9th March in remembrance of all those who were affected by Covid 19, please see below for more information:
The next church Community Lunch is on the 27th March at 1 pm at the Bottle and Glass. Please contact Revd Heather to register your interest now or for menu details from the 10th March. Thank you.
Tuesday 4th March 2025 At All Saints Church, Dunsden, 7.00 for 7.30 p.m. Soup, pancakes, beetle drive, raffle. Tickets £10 (cash please) Please book with Pippa 0228 9473184 or Yvonne 0118 9477776
PLEASE NOTE - There is a change of day and time. This Lent, there will be a new House Group with David Williams, starting Thursday 6th March, find out more details here:
Thank you to those who have come forward already. There are a number of opportunities available for supporting your church and local community, please see the notice for more information:
Babies at a mission hospital in Uganda are benefiting from lovely knitted hats and jumpers, see the attached file for more information and how to help: