The United Parish of Chinnor, Sydenham, Aston Rowant and Crowell: contact details:-



Contact details:

Rev’d Dr. Jacky Barr 07769 825305
[email protected] 01844 352027

Associate Priest:
Rev’d Joan DeVal 01844 353404

Licensed Lay Minister (L.L.M):
Margaret Poole 01844 281042

[email protected]

Retired Priests:

Rev’d Dr. Brian Griffiths 01844 355953

Rev’d Tony Whitaker 01844 761267

Children’s Minister:

Margaret Poole 01844 281042

[email protected]

United Parish Office:   

Tricia Prescott 01844 352472

[email protected]

NB Please do not send urgent emails to this address as they will only be seen when the Office is open

Parish Safeguarding Officer:

Jane Tucker 07890 346781

[email protected]

Churchwardens at St Andrew’s, Chinnor:

Robert Pegg 01844 698109

Churchwardens at Sydenham:

Roy Harrison 01844 353887

Fiona Kermack 01844 352990

Churchwarden at Aston Rowant:

Richard Boarder 07795681263


Churchwardens at Crowell:

Andy Warman 01844351909

Maggs Warman

Magazine Editor:

Nic Milligan

[email protected]

Website enquiries:

[email protected]

NB Please do not send urgent emails to this address as they will only be seen when the Office is open