In our Gospel reading this week, Jesus encounters the first of the disciples, Simon, James and John, who are feeling despondent at their lack of success in catching any fish. Despite their scepticism, Jesus tells them to cast their nets in deep water and they pull in a huge catch of fish. It would be easy to think that the story is one where Jesus just fulfils the desire of the disciples; their desire to make a living and to be successful. They could easily have just taken the fish and carried on with their lives. But they don’t. They drop their nets and leave everything behind to follow Jesus. Whilst God blesses us with a great many things in life, our call is to follow Jesus wherever that may take us. Sometimes it will be a comfortable ride, and sometimes it will challenge us. Sometimes we doubt our own ability to do it, as Simon Peter did, but Jesus says, ‘Don’t be afraid,’ – just have faith enough to follow, and God will provide whatever resources we need for the journey.
Revd Liz