About Us
Welcome to the Brooke Benefice Website
The churches in the villages that make up our benefice have been centres of their communities for many hundreds of years. They hold the memories of generations who have celebrated their joys and shared their sorrows together through the years and they remain a focal point today. Each year local people and their families come to baptise their children, to get married and to celebrate the lives of those who have died.
The very stones of our churches are soaked in prayer through the ages. They are havens of peace and tranquillity, as well as being fine examples of architecture and the skill of craftsmen down the ages. They are all open during the day and offer the chance to stop a while and ponder life. Each is within easy reach of the next and so you can visit them all without travelling too far.
Our beautiful churches were constructed as offerings to the glory of God and as places for people to gather in worship. We continue the long tradition of joining together to worship in them, on Sundays and at other special times of the year. We use old words and new words, we have thoughtful times and joyful times and we aim to engage the young and the not so young in an expression of our love for God and for all his people. Everyone is welcome to come along.
We very much hope that now that you’ve visited our website you will visit our churches, or come and join us for worship and we look forward to meeting you there.