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Drop-in Café

Every Thursday at for 3 hours
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

All are welcome to the new drop-in café on Thursday at St Mary's Church Hendon from 11.00-14.00 – the next Thursday date will be 13th February. We are offering hot food and drinks in a friendly environment for conversation, company and change of scene. Warm food is available from 11.45.

The event is kindly sponsored by the Co-op.

Volunteers are very welcome, please
speak to Jill or Julie if you can help out.


Open Church in March - Lights! Camera! Action!

for 4 hours
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

The next Open Church is on Saturday 1st March from 12.00-16.00 at St Mary’s Church. The theme is: Lights! Camera! Action! – with a talk by a local casting director. There will be a hot soup lunch, crafts such as candle making, games and puzzles, refreshments and chat, as well as a voluntary litter pick at 12.00.

All welcome!

Celebratory Choral Evensong for the 25th Anniversary of the Anglican-Methodist Covenant

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

All are welcome to the celebratory Choral Evensong for the Anniversary of the Anglican-Methodist Covenant on 2nd March at 18.30 at St Mary's Church, Hendon, sung by St Mary's Choir.

The preacher will be The Revd Dr Martin Wellings.
The service is followed by a reception.