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Drop-in Café

Every Thursday at for 3 hours
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

All welcome to the new drop-in café on Thursdays at St Mary's Church Hendon from 11.00-14.00 – next Thursday date will be 30th January. We are offering hot food and drinks in a friendly environment for conversation, company and change of scene.

Volunteers are very welcome, please speak to Jill or Julie if you can help out.

Open Church in February - Let there be light

for 4 hours
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

All are welcome to the next Open Church on Saturday 1st February at 12.00-16.00 at St Mary’s Church Hendon. The theme will be “Let there be light”.
There will be a hot soup lunch, crafts, games and puzzles, refreshments and chat, as well as a voluntary litter pick at 12.00.

Candlemas & Christingle

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

On Sunday 2nd February we celebrate Candlemas, the presentation of Christ in the Temple. This is an appropriate day to have our Christingle Service too - as we remember the way Simeon and Anna welcomed the holy family and recognised the light of Christ.

All are welcome!

Candlemas & Christingle

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Christ Church Hendon
Heriot Road/Brent Street Hendon London, NW4 2EG, United Kingdom

On Sunday 2nd February we celebrate Candlemas, the presentation of Christ in the Temple. This is an appropriate day to have our Christingle Service too - as we remember the way Simeon and Anna welcomed the holy family and recognised the light of Christ.

All are welcome!