Parish of St Barnabas Homerton
The Parish of St Barnabas Homerton is an Anglican parish (Church of England) based in Homerton and Clapton Park in Hackney, East London.
Previously known as the Hackney Marsh Team Ministry, in November 2019 the parish changed its name and status to the single Parish of St Barnabas Homerton.
There are currently 3 places of worship within the parish:
St Barnabas Church (the parish church) Homerton High Street, E9 6DL
The Church of The Risen Christ (parish centre of worship) Overbury Street, Clapton Park, E5 0AJ
Wally Foster Centre (the parish chapel) Homerton Road, E9 5QB
(The Church of The Risen Christ is the new name for the merged congregations of The Risen Christ & All Souls, Clapton Park and Christchurch-on-the-Mead (which previously met at the Wally Foster Community Centre).
Get in touch
The following statement is the PCC Safeguarding Policy Statement for the Parish of St Barnabas Homerton in the Diocese of London, which is reviewed on an annual basis. To view the Safeguarding Policy Statements for other church locations, please email [email protected]
Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly
from the creation of male and female in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this potential as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. This implies a duty to value all people as bearing the image of God and therefore to protect them from harm.
• We accept and endorse the principles of the Diocese of London’s Safeguarding Policy: ‘Promoting a Safer Diocese’ November 2018; and practice guidance of the National Church.
• We commit ourselves to nurture, protect and safeguard all our members, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults.
• We recognise that safeguarding is the responsibility of the whole church community.
• Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the Church including the use of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) disclosures and making appropriate referrals to the Disclosure and Barring Service.
• We will respond without delay to concerns or allegations that a child or vulnerable adult may have been harmed, cooperating with the police and social care services in any investigation.
• We will challenge any abuse of power by anyone in a position of trust.
• We will seek to offer pastoral care and support to anyone who has suffered abuse, developing with them appropriate pastoral support.
• We will seek to offer pastoral care and support, including supervision and referral to the proper authorities, to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person or vulnerable adult.
Each person who works within this church community will agree to abide by this policy and the guidelines established by this church.