Almighty God, give us reverence for all creation and respect for every person, that we may mirror your likeness in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.The Prayer CourseAs Simon mentioned at the last Team Service, this year, for the Lent Course (and beyond due to it being 8 sessions), we are going to run The Prayer Course. For more information please click on this link: We highly recommend this and would love lots of us to be together for it. This will be on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm beginning on Ash Wednesday 5th March at St. James’ Church on Green Lane. Just to get a rough idea of numbers to expect for this course, it would really help if you could let us know if you’re planning on coming along. There will be a sign up list available at our team service at St Andrew’s tomorrow, and then one at each of our 4 church buildings next Sunday (2nd March), so please do add your name, or feel free to email Thanks! SERVICESSUNDAY 23rd February Fourth Sunday of the month Team Service, 10.30am at St Andrew’s. As always, it would be great to see lots there as we gather together to worship. No morning services on this Sunday at St James’, St Peter’s or St Thomas’. Do let us know if you need help getting there - lifts can be easily arranged.St Peter's: 4.00 pm Church for All WEDNESDAY 26th February St Andrew’s: 10.30am Team Holy Communion serviceSUNDAY 2nd MarchSt Andrew's: 10.00 am Holy CommunionSt Thomas': 10.00 am Holy Communion St James': 11.15 am Morning Prayer St Peter's: 11.15 Morning Prayer AND 4.00 pm Church for All Bible Readings Sunday 23rd February: Luke 18:1-8Sunday 2nd March: 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2, Luke 9:28-36 Sunday 9th March: Luke 4:1-13 (1 reading only) Sunday 16th March: Philippians 3:17-4:1, Luke 13:31-end Sunday 23rd March Team Service readings tbc Sunday 30th March Mothering Sunday readings tbc by service preacher.TEAM PRAYERSTeam Prayers will now be taking place ahead of our monthly team service on the 4th Sunday of each month at whichever church is hosting that month’s service, at 9.45am. So the next one will be at St Andrew's on Sunday 23rd February at 9.45am. All welcome.We’re also going to be intentional now about having a short informal time of prayer at each church before the Sunday services each week - so the person leading the service will pray with others who are there for 10 mins or so half an hour before the start of the service, so 9.40 ahead of 10am services and 10.55 ahead of 11.15am services. Everyone is very welcome to join in with this. St James usually has a time of individual prayer and reflection helped by two worship songs from about 5 minutes before the actual start of the service. News Threads Through the Bible Just one last reminder about the incredible ‘Threads through the Bible’ exhibition I mentioned last week. It is there at Liverpool Cathedral until Monday 3rd March. I highly recommend a visit! For more information click here: Church Electoral Rolls This year is a New Church Electoral Roll year, which occurs every 6 years, when everyone on the roll comes off and everyone has to fill in a form again. It’s really important that everyone does this, anyone on the current roll who does not complete the form will not be on the new roll. Forms will be available in each of our churches from 2 months before the church’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Notices will be displayed at each church, and reminder announcements made at services. It would be a great help if people could action this quickly when the forms appear at your church, thank you. St Andrew’s Church - Weekly Envelopes Some of you with Weekly Giving Envelopes at St Andrew’s are aware you might not yet have been automatically issued with a new box for 2025. This is because not all weekly envelopes are being used as frequently. When you are close to having no envelopes could you please give early notice so as to be issued with a new box, if you so wish, via the church (Parish Office 0151 531 8972, or direct to Geoff Walker 0151 526 5366.) There will be no change to your allocated Weekly Envelope Number. Thank you for your continued support.Advance dates for your diaries…Saturday 1st March: Maghull Parish Handbell Ringers Play: Music from Movies & Musicals at 3pm at Maghull Parish Hall on the corner of Damfield and Deyes Lane. No admission charge but cash donations would be most welcome!World Day of Prayer This is coming up on Friday 7th March, and the ecumenical service to mark it will be at Maghull Baptist Church at 2pm. Please do get along to be part of this if you can - it is based on material prepared by women in the Cook Islands (in the Pacific) this year.Roberts Recycling at St James Saturday 15th March Had a wardrobe clear out recently? Or needing motivation to get on with doing one? Any no longer needed / unwanted clothes, bags, shoes (just not bedding please) would be most welcome! Drop off 2-3pm on Saturday 15th March at St James Church (Church itself not the hall this time), or do let us know if you can’t make that time or can’t drop them off yourself and we will make suitable arrangements. Thank you. Fit for Mission Fit For Mission is a Diocesan initiative aimed to promote growth of churches, looking at how churches in a deanery can work together and so on. This is something all the parishes in the Liverpool Diocese are being asked to look at being part of. There will be an open meeting held on Tuesday 25th March 2025 at Holy Trinity Church, Rosemary Lane, Formby. L37 3HA at 7.30pm. The doors will be open for arrival from 7.00pm and refreshments will be served. The meeting will close at 9.15pm. Everyone is invited – no need to book, just turn up. Archdeacon Pete Spiers will lead a Team from the Fit for Mission Programme together with a representative from parishes that have already gone through the programme. They will each do a short presentation and then there will be an open Question and Answer session. Stamps A request from St Thomas’ for your used stamps, as they are collecting them to support training guide dogs. Please do pass any you have in to your church, and the clergy will ensure they get to St Thomas’. Thank you. Request for Wool Donations - also stuffing material for toys & pillows Wool donations for our craft and chat group wld be very gratefully received! Whether whole or part balls of wool, any colour etc. Also, at the moment, donations of stuffing material for toys & pillows would be much appreciated. If you are able to drop off to the craft & chat group between 12.30 and 2pm on Thursdays at St James’ Church Green Lane, that would be great, but collection can easily be arranged. Please contact Pat Dunbar by text message on 07795147109 or email at Thank you! WEEKLY EVENTSCraft and Chat: every Thursday 12.30pm until 2pm at St James in the fellowship room. Knitting, crocheting or any craft, you are assured of a very warm welcome so please do come and join us. PatHot lunch, tea and cakes every Thursday afternoon at Melling Tithebarn……12.00pm to 2.00pm. A plate for donations will be available. You are assured of a very warm welcome so please do come and join us.Bible Study: After our Bible Course through October and November, our regular weekly Bible Study is taking place again on Thursdays at 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Church Hall. We will be looking at the Gospel of Luke together. All welcome.MONTHLY EVENTSSt Peter's Tea and Scones: everyone is welcome to join us for tea and scones on the first Friday in every month from 2pm-3pm, though the next one was planned for Friday 7th March, it will not be on then due to the World Day of Prayer service at Maghull Baptist Church mentioned above. It will return on Friday 4th April. Expect lots of friendly chats and live music by our resident Michael with his keyboard. Bereavement Support: at St Andrew’s Church. Further enquiries, and if there are any particular requests for bereavement support, from anywhere across our 4 parishes, please contact St Andrew’s Parish Office 0151 531 8972. Other noticesFoodbank: the Foodbank is based at St George's United Reformed Church on Northway opposite Iceland, on Tuesdays 10.00am-12.00 noon.Tins, packet foods and toiletries are always useful. They will gratefully receive donations from 10-12 on Tuesdays at St George’s URC on Northway (easiest access is via the car park on Larchwood Avenue). Alternatively please do drop any donations off before Tuesday on the vicarage doorstep at 23 Green Link. Thank you.CONTACT DETAILSPlease contact us…If you know anyone who would like to receive this emailIf there is anyone who needs prayer If you know anyone who needs a phone call Contact details:Revd. Ian Hopkins 07914 505437 or Revd. Simon Elliott 07919 464348 or