Church Commissioners Consultation regarding proposed closure of St Christopher's Norris Green

CDN_Norris_Green_amended.pdf Download

The Church Commissioners have consulted (May/June 2024) regarding proposals affecting the church of Saint Christopher, Norris Green, Liverpool in the diocese of Liverpool.  The draft Scheme provides for the proposed declaration of closure of Saint Christopher, Norris Green, Liverpool for regular public worship.

This consultation has now closed. As representations were received against the draft scheme, the matter may need to be considered by the Commissioners' Mission, Pastoral & Church Property Committee.

We await further updates.  In the meantime, St Christopher's building remains open.  Whilst there is no heating, the building is still opened weekly for Foodbank and is available for services, including baptism, weddings and funerals.  Regular Sunday worship is being held with the congregation of The Good Shepherd, in their building on Lower House Lane.