After the wonderful display of pumpkins at Harvest time, a new group is starting called All Saints' Knitters. We will be knitting and crocheting for charities that need help. We will meet 4 times a year on a Saturday at the Winchelsea Centre between 10.00.a.m. and 4.00.p.m. or for however long you wish to stay. Refreshments will be available, but bring a packed lunch if staying all day. The first session is on 16th November, the other dates being: 15th Feb, 17th May and 16th August next year. There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of All Saints church, every Sunday. This is so that we can judge how many to provide with refreshments and for insurance reasons. Feel free to ask Jayne Jenkins or myself if you would like more information. Looking forward to seeing a good turnout in November when we will be knitting a Traditional Christmas Sprout that will be displayed in our church. Keep knitting! Blessings, Stella (O'Shaughnessy)