Reflection from October Newletter

A Great Gift.

Gifts and generous giving seem to be a theme in our churches just now. There have been Harvest Thanksgivings, Generosity Sunday and forward thinking to Christmas as the shops fill with Christmas gifts!

None of those include the gift I have in mind as I write, identify it from these words or phrases. This gift can be used or saved, wasted or well spent, forgotten or remembered, it flies or drags – got it?

Of course it is Time. Time is a creational gift from God universally given but not universally valued or put to best purpose.

How much of our time is offered back to God? How much time do we give to others in listening to their story, hearing their need and responding with care and Christian love?

Is there enough time of your day given to God in prayer, in reading the Bible to express your love for Jesus and to strengthen your faith and witness?

A well-known passage in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 reads ‘For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.’ Whereas in Psalm 31 verse 15 there is a reminder that ‘our times are in God’s hands.’

Time is such a great gift, it is our responsibility how we value and use it. Yet is time the greatest gift?

The greatest gift of all time is clearly stated in Romans 6 verse 23 ‘The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.’

Further we are told when best to receive this, the greatest gift of love. It is now that is the accepted time – now is the day of salvation!

Rev Rosemary