A letter from a member of the Area Staff Team

Hello friends,

Many of you will know that I am a big dabbler in model railways and over the last few months have been preparing an old shed to move my model railway layout into. Joy of joys the first train ran yesterday although there is still some work to do to make it operate how I want it to.

Why do so many people find an escape in building a model railway, or any other model?. Many of us still dwell on our past history and the only real way of bringing it back is in creating our own vision of it whether that be a diorama, a model or even a piece of artwork. It all brings back long forgotten memories. Other reasons are seeing God’s creation out of our windows inspiring us to recreate it in model form or looking at our world slowly pulling itself apart we wish to create our own mini world just as we would like it.

Over the past few weeks, I have been asked questions about my ministry. The first was at Talbot School, Kingstone when I was asked by Jess along with three others from across the Area to talk about the work we do in the week in relation to our calling as God’s disciples. After the grilling from the young pupils, it made me stop and think about what I do and how I could improve on my ministry or if it is right for this present moment in my life. I am afraid this is going to be a rather longish reflection. The second was during a visit to Wetherspoons where I was asked how I was called to be a priest. Was it a sudden demand by God or a gradual realising that I was being called to minister to God’s people?

What has all this to do with Model railways and ministry? I think in our hearts of hearts we would all enjoy living in a perfect world. The big question for us all is how do we achieve this?

I feel the answer lies in the question what would Jesus do in this present time? I don’t think it would be much different to what he did when he was alive. He would talk and listen to people, healing them with words of wisdom or miracles. He would pray for them and the world and encourage all his followers to do the same. How we take up this challenge from Jesus affects us all in many ways. We are all different with different skills and abilities. Discerning these gifts, skills and abilities from God and putting them to use is what Jesus would pray for. Whether this is for a few minutes a day or a few hours a week, whether in church or in the community, whether at home or abroad, just being who and what we are for Jesus is all we need to do. And just like modellers world-wide we may just be able to begin changing our community and world for the better.

May God bless you in all that you do in his name,


Revd Chris Brown, non-stipendiary minister for the Uttoxeter Area.