Our Prayers

Please pray for the speedy recovery of Rev’d Vivienne, following  her accident whilst on holiday in Italy.


Dear God, thank you for the way Jesus used his power in love and service. help us to follow his good example. We pray for the King; May you help him to be a peacemaker, pure in heart, merciful, kind and willing to serve others. Amen.


Our Mid-Trent Prayer

Come, Holy Spirit: fill the hearts of your faithful people and kindle in us the fire of your love. Strengthen your church here in Mid-Trent: increase our numbers, deepen our faith and poor out your love, through us, on our communities. We ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

(Rev'd Mike Cadwallader)


And an Acrostic Prayer for growth by Joan Makinson.

God we praise your name and ask for your blessing and help to
Raise awareness of our Churches in the Mid Trent Team. We offer
Ourselves to be your disciples within our community; to bear
Witness by our daily lives, so that all whom we meet will see the
Truth of your living word and believe in the
Hope you have promised us through your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
