A Letter from Rev'd Danny

Change is a fact of life. Indeed, throughout our lives we experience all sorts of changes: sometimes dreams are realised, sometimes dreams are shattered; sometimes change is anticipated and hoped for, sometimes change is inevitable or disappointing. Some changes bring us joy, some bring us sorrow.

As I sit writing this letter, I am contemplating a sermon based on Jesus calming a storm (Mark 4:35 if you would like to read it). Jesus commands the wind and the sea to be still, and tells his frightened disciples not to be afraid. Even when the situation appears bleak, we can find reassurance and peace in Jesus: if we trust in him, we can weather any storm, any change – great or small.

Our churches in the Mid-Trent Benefice have started to consider the changes that will be needed before a new parish priest can be appointed. This is likely to involve re-organisation of the team, new ways of church communities working and worshiping together more closely, thinking afresh about the way our ten church buildings are used and managed in the future. Some of these changes might seem obvious, some radical; some might bring joy, others might seem sad, but through prayer and careful discernment, I am confident that God will cause the right seeds to grow, that Jesus will offer reassurance and peace, and that the Holy Spirit will guide our church leaders towards a bold future, focused on sharing the Good News of Jesus, and loving and serving our village communities.

Our ‘Compass’ magazine has been through exciting changes recently. You will see that we are appealing for donations to support its continued publication and distribution (with increasing costs, but delivered free of charge to every home): please do consider contributing if you are able.

Change is coming for me, too. By the time this copy of ‘Compass’ finds itself in your recycling bin, Malcolm and I will have moved to our new parish, St John the Evangelist in Perry Barr.

Change can be both daunting and exciting; moving to a new post, a new home, and a new community can be both sad and joyful.

I have enjoyed my time serving as curate in Mid-Trent Churches greatly, building relationships, developing ideas, and serving and worshiping alongside many of you. It has been a wonderful privilege for which I am truly grateful.

I pray that you will all continue to grow and flourish in mutual respect, love and service for one another in the years ahead. And, if you are someone who prays, please pray for me as I embark on the next chapter of my ministry in Birmingham. May God bless you, and all those you love. Amen.

With every blessing,
