SBGC_Benefice Profile 2025_FINAL_V1.pdf

We are a rural benefice, made up of 6 churches in 5 parishes who enjoy working and worshipping together. We wish to appoint a Rector who understands the challenges of rural ministry and who has an imaginative approach to mission.

Notices Church_news Community_news

John Underhill reminds us of the spirit of Chirstmas

Advent christmas

A special Remembrance Pause for Thought

Read Revd Cathy's wonderful take on being 'Good for Nothing'.

Revd Alison writes about endings and new beginnings

Harvest collections from the church were very much appreciated by House of Bread in Stafford. Tank you for all of your efforts.

Church_news Community_news

Sarah Smith talks about nature and life in this month's pause for thought.

Revd Alison's announcement.

This month Revd Alison discusses the beauty of outdoors as we spring into the summer months.

John Underhill reflects on acts of kindness.

This month Revd Cathy reflects on her journey to the ministry.

This month Adie has written a reflection on Lent and empathy for others.


Broadhill Walk for the last walk of the summer.

House of Bread have sent a letter of thanks for the donations you so kindly bring to the vicarage for us to pass along.


Churches Together celebration of community life.