Worship Resources

Please find some resources to help you in prayer and worship listed below. 

Daily Prayer Morning and Evening Prayer is still being said in the parish using Zoom. You're very welcome to join us. Please email: [email protected] for more information.

Streamed & Recorded Worship from other sources

Rather than record services in house, we’ve decided that it would be best to direct you towards a couple of ‘live-streamed’ options instead which are usually also available as recordings later in the day too:

Leicester Cathedral at 10.30am on Sundays via their Facebook page (The video should be accessible, even if you’re not ‘on Facebook’)

Hereford Cathedral at 10am on Sundays, via their website.

Radio & TV Broadcast Worship

Daily Worship is at 9.45am Mon-Fri on R4 Digital Radio (a station for the Daily Service appears around 9.45am).

Choral Evensong is broadcast on Wednesdays at 3.00pm on R3 (90.2 - 92.6 FM & on Digital Radio). This is also repeated on a Sunday afternoon around 3pm.

Readings & Meditations for 26th May - 1st September 2024, PDF


Inspiring_Prayer_at_Home, PDF


Spiritual_Communion_PDF, PDF
