Choosing warmth and kindness

My friends,

As I write it is a rather damp, blustery, grey summer’s day, but off in the distance I spy a little patch of beautiful blue sky and the sun peeking around the clouds. I don’t know about you but I find it difficult to know what to wear while the weather is so higgledy-piggledy, big warm coat or shorts and t-shirt.

The climate puts me in mind of the story Aesop told of the Sun and the North Wind who were having an argument about who was most powerful. They noticed a man walking along in his big winter coat, and the North Wind started to boast, saying “I will show you how strong I am because I will blow so hard that I’ll blow that man’s coat right off”. Of course, the more the cold North Wind blew, the more the man pulled the coat tight around him. “Okay,” said the Sun popping out from behind the clouds, “now it's my turn.” The Sun shone warmly down on the man and very soon he had taken his coat off, enjoying the warmth on his skin.

And what’s the moral of this ancient tale? That gentle kindness and warmth can often achieve better results than force and bluster. Or, as one C20th Indian writer put it, the powerful are not the ones who trouble others, but the ones who show mercy to others.

What do you respond to best: warmth and kindness or aggression and manipulation? To put it another way, Albus Dumbledore or Miss Trunchbull?

As the Son of God, Jesus had the power to be an almighty bully had he chosen to, all cruel force and angry bluster like the chilling North Wind. It’s true that he was powerful, breaking down barriers, smashing cruel bullying systems, but he treated people with warmth, dignity and compassion. His love was and is his superpower.

Earlier this year I had four letters tattooed on my arm: GGGC. They are there to remind me of the values, a kind of Rule for Life, I try to live by every day, which are Grace, Gratitude, Generosity and Curiosity, things I see when I look at Jesus. I have them tattooed on my arm because I am prone to forget – when I’m feeling particularly meanspirited those letters are there to encourage me to be better.

I wonder what the values are that you try to live by every day, and who or what inspired them? My prayer for you is that, whatever weather this summer brings us, in your hearts you will know the true power of sunshine warmth and blue sky hope.

God bless you.

Rev Angie x

Photo by Klein He on Unsplash