St Mark's Church

"Serving Christ: Growing in faith: Loving our Neighbour"

What's on

3rd Sunday - Morning Worship. Service of the word (no Communion)

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins

Worship is a mix of contemporary songs and great hymns.

Kettles On

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours

Kettle's On is the churches energy to support our
Whitehill and Bordon Mental Health and Wellbeing project.
This project was started in April 2023 and is run from St Mark's Church building. Local and national Mental Health providers use the comfortable and peaceful space to offer one to one and group support for people experiencing mental health problems.
We have a team of volunteers who open up the church and serve refreshments from our well equipped café area.
Currently we open a walk in café on Tuesdays from 10am-12noon.

Every Wednesday at 10am. Parish prayers and Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour

Spirit led open prayer and a relaxed Agape style communion

Our churches


​​​The St Mark's Shared Church Ecumenical Council (ECC) takes the safety of everyone very seriously and follows the Church of England’s national safeguarding policy. (Methodist Oversight)

Here is our Safeguarding policy: Click Here

All workers and volunteers with supervisory responsibility for work with children, youth or vulnerable adults are required to have a current DBS certificate and to follow the Church of England's national Safeguarding Policy.

In particular, the church expects anyone who becomes aware of a safeguarding risk or of actual abuse to immediately raise this with the Parish Safeguarding Officer or Vicar. Their details are shown below.

​Safeguarding Officer - Joy - [email protected]

Vicar - Revd. Iain - [email protected]

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Advisor, or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay.

​​The Diocesan Safeguarding can be contacted on 01483 790379 or at [email protected]

For all emergency situations call 999