Ride and Stride 2024

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All went to plan on Saturday as members of Blockley and Bourton congregations and two dogs set off from Ebrington where they were kindly given tea, coffee and cake to build them up for their journeys! Some did the Ebrington to Paxford leg, some Ebrington to Blockley, where others joined for lunch and the walk to Bourton. A few then walked back to Blockley via Batsford. Naomi and Roger Morris had planned the morning route and Anne and Leslie Packer had planned the afternoon route. Most travelled on foot but there were also two cyclists who covered all three churches and visited Batsford in the morning then met the walkers back at Blockley at lunchtime.

The achievement of the day was that of Derek Luff who, after many many months of pain and struggling to walk and a massive back operation at the end of July, set himself the challenge of walking between Blockley and Bourton churches. He did it in about 5 hours with great grit and determination. An amazing success for which we send huge congratulations.

Thank you to all who sponsored us. Both churches have nearly reached their targets - it's not too late to donate!!