After a vacancy lasting from the retirement of Revd David Russell in October 2023, we are thrilled to announce that Revd Catherine Coomber, currently curate of Cam and Stinchcombe, will be joining us as our new priest-in-charge and Rector designate. The date has yet to be finalised, but it should be this summer. We look forward to welcoming Catherine, and believe that she has the skills to lead us forward in the future.Revd Rick Williams will remain in his post of Associate Priest, and work alongside Catherine.
Eight members of Wickwar Benefice have recently completed training on the Diocesan Lay Worship Leaders' course, which will train and authorise them to lead worship in their local churches. They are joined by members of Thornbury and Badminton benefices.We look forward to this bringing a fresh and creative approach to our worship, and engaging church members more actively in their services.