Our current pattern of services in the Benefice (2025)
We hold services in church in all our Parishes on the first three Sundays of each month.
On the fourth Sunday in each month we hold just one benefice service so that all our congregations can share in worship together.
If there is a 5th Sunday we hold a service for the wider Christian congregation in the Benefice -this is usually held in Shurdington Church of England Primary School.
This is our current pattern of services across the Benefice :
(All are welcome at any of our services, but those marked* are particularly aimed at our whole benefice.)
1st Sunday
8am St Paul's: BCP Holy Communion*
9.30am St Paul's: Sunday Worship
11am Holy Trinity: Sunday Worship
11am St Mary's : Sunday Worship
2nd Sunday
8am St Mary's: BCP Holy Communion*
9.30am St Paul's: Sunday Worship
11am Holy Trinity: Holy Communion
11am St Mary's : All age Worship
3rd Sunday
9.30am St Paul's: Holy Communion
11am Holy Trinity: Sunday Worship BCP
11am St Mary's : Sunday Worship
3pm St Paul's: Prayers and cake, with Holy Communion (this service is held in the Church Hall)*
4th Sunday Benefice Holy Communion*
10.30am - Holy Communion Service
This service for the whole Benefice is held at:
Holy Trinity in January, April, July and October
St Mary's in February, May, August and November
St Paul's in March, June, September and December
5th Sunday Benefice Service*
10 am: Benefice Service at Shurdington Church of England Primary School for all Christians in the Benefice, (including the worshipping communities at Shurdington Chapel and Shurdington Primary School.)
Weekday Services:
Morning Prayer on Thursdays at 9am*
This is held in person at St Paul's on the first Thurday of each month, and by zoom on the remaining Thursdays.
eco church - how you can help the environment when attending services
All our churches have joined the eco-church scheme to protect the environment so please:
Help reduce the amount of paper we use by bringing your own bibles or downloading a copy of the weekly sheet (available in the News and Notices tag) if you would like to follow the readings.
Please share transport to services, walk, or cycle where possible.