St Nicholas Ashchurch
St. Nicholas Ashchurch is located on the edge of Tewkesbury with large areas of housing either side of the M5 motorway and scattered hamlets to the east, with a total population of around 8,000. This population will be growing even more as developments proceed for the new Tewkesbury Garden Town which is to be built to the north and east of our parish.
Activity and Outreach: Little Fishes, Open the Book, iSingPop, Community Events, Sunday School, Mothers Union, Choir, Bellringers
Hopes: We want to respond to the significant expansion of our parish with new ways of reaching people with the love of Jesus
Worship: We meet for worship each week and have a pattern of worship that includes communion and family services
You can follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/139440492764869/
St Nicholas Kemerton
We are a small but enthusiastic village church - here before 1150, and still a centre of Anglican worship for Kemerton and nearby communities. We welcome visitors, both local and on holiday, and our worship is easily approachable (based on Common Worship). We are firmly rooted in our village history, and we know and respect how many village memories are centred on our church.