Dear Friends,
As a church we are committed to safeguarding. I have been updating my safeguarding training this month. One issue that we have been exploring during the training is the issue of bullying. We looked at examples where people speak badly about others behind peoples back or speak critically without respect. It is highly destructive. It will always create fear. As Christians we are called to build each other up.
This can be very challenging when we have different personalities, opinions and views of church. We share the peace with each other. We are called to think well of each other. We need to build a community and a culture of love where we feel safe with each other. Let us commit ourselves as a church to choose to speak well of everyone and encourage each other. Let’s be a place where everybody feels valued, warts and all. Jesus has loved us while we were still sinning. Let’s create a church that feels safe and from which we can share the boundless love of God.
"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11
"Let your conversation be always full of grace.
Colossians 4:6
Rev Peter
If you are needing to contact Louise, please use either email or mobile phone, text or call.
[email protected] or 07779585908
Please send all contributions for the newsletter to Gill Yates by the end of [email protected]
Material for A Church Near You to Tony Raven: [email protected]
Services and calendar for the week
Sunday 26 January
10am… Family Holy Communion…St Margaret’s
10am… Morning Worship…St Luke’s
3pm…Joint Service…Holy Cross
6.30pm…Evensong…St Margaret’s
Monday 27 January
10am…Take 5…St Margaret’s
Tuesday 28 January
9am…Morning Prayer…St Margaret’s
Wednesday 29 January
10.00am…Morning Worship…Zoom
Thursday 30 January
10am…Mini-Messy Church…St Margaret’s
11am…Holy Communion…Pym Court
Friday 31 January
9am…Morning Prayer…St Margaret’s
Saturday 1 February
8am…Prayer Breakfast…St Margaret’s
Sunday 2 February
10am…Holy Communion…St Margaret’s
10am…Holy Communion…St Luke’s
The Zoom links and meeting IDs for all the Zoom events are on our pages on ACNY (A Church Near You)
St Margaret's, working or visiting alone in church.
Could all those who do any kind of activity in church, particularly alone or in pairs, follow the good practice below:
1. Always tell someone, if you can, where you're going and what time you're expected back. And check in with them on your return.
2. Always keep an eye out for folks who may be entering the church while you are busy. The vast majority of time it's a chance for hospitality, a simple 'hello'. This also gives you good awareness of whoever is there.
3. If anyone's behaviour concerns you, make sure that you have one of the unlocked doors behind you. Always consider anyway pinning back the two doors that lead into the main body of the church from the choir rehearsal space, so that you have an unimpeded exit.
4. Keep a discreet note of the concerning behaviour and once away from church report it immediately to Revd Louise Grace, and also Elizabeth Reed (general site safety) or Katie Gray (safeguarding): contact details below. Similarly, if there is a major incident (points 6&7, you must report it as soon as possible to Louise, Elizabeth and Katie).
5. Do not attempt to approach, confront or challenge someone whose behaviour is concerning.
6. If there is immediate risk of harm to a person or property, vacate the building immediately and if possible alert any other workers/visitors to also leave. Call the emergency services as soon as you are in a safe place to do so.
7. If you have had to call for emergency assistance, and can ensure your own safety, then also go immediately to the nursery and inform them of the situation.
8. If your work involves going into the vestry, always keep both vestry doors unlocked and open so that you are not trapped in the room if you are followed into it.
9. If you have a mobile phone, then keep it well charged and ready to hand, with a speed dial to your trusted contact ready to use; but again, if there is immediate risk of harm call the emergency services first.
10. Consider always working in pairs if at all possible; particularly if you have a vulnerability such as impaired mobility or other disability.
Please pass on this information to anyone you know who works in the church alone, or may visit the church alone for any reason. Please contact Louise, Elizabeth and Katie if you need any support in this area.
Many thanks
Revd Louise
Revd Louise Grace: 07779585908 [email protected]
Elizabeth Reed: [email protected]
Katie Gray: [email protected]
The Week will culminate in the ecumenical service, to be held at Holy Cross, on Sunday 26 January at 3.00 p.m. (followed by refreshments). Everyone is most welcome to attend some or all of these occasions.
David Batty
St. Margaret’s bookings are managed by Caryll Ingerslev.
Contact: [email protected]
St. Luke’s Church and Church Rooms bookings are managed by Sandra Greedy.
[email protected] or phone 01392 271458
St. Luke’s church is open on Wednesdays afternoons between 2.00 and 4.00.
St. Margaret’s church is always open from approx. 9am, but closure times depend on the season. The church is now being closed at around 5pm.
News and Notices
Friday 31st January - A Board Games Night at St. Luke's Church Rooms, School Lane, Countess Wear, EX2 6LB.
Doors will be open from 6.30 p.m. and the games will be from 7 – 9.30 p.m. Refreshments will be available.
Pre-booking for this event is essential as space is limited. Tickets, £5 entry, can be booked online at or call Ruth on 07557 507447
All proceeds in aid of Rainbow Living Charity, a charity supported by St. Luke's Church -
Electoral Roll
Thanks to those who have already submitted applications. Paper forms are clearly labelled in a plastic pocket on the notice board at the back of the church. The online application can be found by clicking here. As an additional incentive, all valid applications received before Lent (ie by 4thMarch) will be entered into a prize draw.
Dream Big
Our fundraising team are now all set to submit grant applications on our behalf as soon as our faculty (“planning permission”) is granted. We have confirmed that the legal notice was displayed for 28 days, and so now we are in the hands of the Diocesan lawyers.
Paul Jakeman
Volunteers – If you would like to get involved with readings, intercessions, verging, administration of the bread/wine, please let Gill Yates know.
Volunteers are also needed for the cleaning rota and the coffee rota.
More people are always very welcome and very much needed!
Please find the monthly newsletters for St. Luke’s and St. Margaret’s attached.
Exmouth Food Bank
January 2025 we are focusing on replenishing our core stock so that we can continue to feed those in need.
In particular we would welcome donations of:
Tins of soup
Tins of tomatoes
T ins of baked beans and spaghetti
Meat meals (e.g. tinned stews, curry, meatballs)
Tinned cold meats (e.g. corned beef, ham)
Tins of tuna
Packets of spaghetti and rice
Tinned fruits
Tins of custard and rice pudding.
In addition toiletries such as hair shampoo, conditioner, body wash and deodorant would also be helpful. Plus bags for life.
Thank you for your generosity YOU are AMAZING !
For further information email: [email protected] 07787758511
For those who are ill or in need of our prayers:
Jill and Adrian, Fay, Kirsten, Chris Whitehead, Tony Bradford, Marlene Gardner, Pam Wormald, Mary, Peter, John Heal, Rosemary Henry, Gail Miller, Carol Walker, Wendy Lockwood
Housebound or in nursing/care homes:
Alfred Wonnacott, Janet Mutter, Georgina Lear, Peter Gwynne
John Davies
Please pray for Anne Plested supporting the work of Bethlehem Bible College, and Ben and Katy Ray in Tanzania, St. Luke’s CMS mission link.
Michael Corbett, Margaret Osborne, Travis Barrett, Joyce Dennis
Kathleen Armitage, William Hoskins
Recently departed
Gospel Readings for the coming week
Sunday 26th January Luke 4: 14-21
Monday 27th January Mark 3: 22-30
Tuesday 28th January Mark 3: 31-end
Wednesday 29th January Mark 4: 1-20
Thursday 30th January Mark 4: 21-25
Friday 31st January Mark 4: 26-34
Saturday 1st February Mark 4: 35-end
Sunday 2nd February Luke 2: 22-40
Collect and reading for Sunday 26th January
Almighty God, whose Son revealed in signs and miracles the wonder of your saving presence: renew your people with your heavenly grace, and in all our weakness sustain us by your mighty power; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Luke 4.14-21The Beginning of the Galilean MinistryThen Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.
The Rejection of Jesus at NazarethWhen he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written:
‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’
And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, ‘Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.’
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