

Reflection for July 1st 2024 from Paul Smith

Matthew 8:18-20

When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake.
Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go."20 Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." (NIV)

Wherever a fox roams it always has its safe place. (Have you read A Black Fox Running? About a vixen and her brood on Dartmoor? It gives a vivid impression of a safe place.)

“Birds have their nests” In our garden there are some birds’ nests e.g. robin, sparrow, blackbird. These birds are very careful before entering the place where the nest is, because they need to be safe. They need to be safe.

Politicians are promising us safety if we vote for them on Thursday.

“The Son of Man has nowhere to lie down and rest.”

Maybe Jesus is offering us a choice when we vote?

Safety for ourselves, or else, safety for someone else?

Which shall it be on Thursday? Us or others?

“Follow me” says Jesus. Let all these concerns of yours wait.

This is very difficult for me, and maybe for you, and Jesus knows this. Here in North Devon we are shielded from many choices that face people in other parts of this country and in the world, but it doesn’t shield us from what Jesus is asking of us personally this week; especially as some of us reading this may be facing difficult choices or something rather unpalatable.

So, our vote. When we vote we are saying to Jesus that we want this country to follow him in the choice we make. Or what?

A prayer.

Jesus, take me as I am, I can come no other way. Take me deeper into you, make my flesh life melt away. Make me like a precious stone, crystal clear and finely honed, life of Jesus shining through, giving glory back to you.

(Dave Bryant. c.1978 Thankyou Music/Capitol CMG)

Common Worship: Collects and Post Communions, material from which is included here, is copyright © The Archbishops' Council 2000