St John's, Gateshead Fell
Welcome to our church pages, on here you should find details of everything we are doing as a church - services, fairs, outreach, coffee mornings, Christenings and Weddings to name a few.
If you need information about any of these or want to enquire about booking either Weddings, Christenings (sometimes called Baptisms), Funerals or want to know more about what we do in church and the ways we worship God then please do get in touch.
For all queries or questions please contact Rev'd Danie Lindley on [email protected] or 0191 4422499.
St Alban's Windy Nook
Welcome to our church pages, on here you should find details of everything we are doing as a church - services, fairs, outreach, coffee mornings and toddlers to name a few.
If you need information about any of these or want to enquire about Weddings, Christenings (sometimes called Baptisms), Funerals or want to know more about what we do in church and the ways we worship God then please do get in touch.
For all queries or questions please contact Rev'd Danie Lindley on [email protected] or 0191 4422499.