Gateshead Fell and Windy Nook

Get in touch

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What's on

Morning Prayer

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
St Ninian's, Harlow Green
Ivy Lane Low Fell GATESHEAD, NE9 6QD, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App (available for iOS and Android, check out the link below). We pray for the world, our parishes and other things that need our prayers.
All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not.

Evening Prayer on Zoom

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App (available for iOS and Android). We pray for the world, our parishes and other things that need our prayers.
All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not.

Morning Prayer

Every Monday at for 30 mins
St John's, Gateshead Fell
Church Road Gateshead Fell Gateshead, NE9 5RD, United Kingdom

We use the Daily Prayer App and pray for the world, our parishes and other hings that need our prayers. All are welcome to join us, whether you have prayed like this before or not. It is a great way to start the week
Just search for the Daily Prayer App in the iphone App Store or in the Play Store on Android.
The way in to this service is through the small door on the left of the church as you are looking from the street.

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