Responding to Our Financial Challenges

240616 - financial challenge appeal.pdf Download
240616 - response flyer.pdf Download
240616 - pledge form.pdf Download
Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

On Sundays 16th and 23rd June, our Change Rector, David Brooke, gave a presentation at St Peter's and St Aidan's to help our congregations understand the financial issues facing the parish - issues that mean we run a £60,000 annual deficit. However, there are all sorts of reasons to have faith that we can fix the problem - if we all work together at it, and trust in an abundant God, rather than responding from fear and anxiety.

Those Sundays became the beginning of a month-long gift campaign where we are all invited to make a one-off gift to boost mission in the parish, as well as beginning a longer process of reflecting on increasing our week-by-week giving in response to God's abundant generosity.

You can find the presentation, complete with notes linked from this news article, together with an explanatory sheet of resources to help you pray and reflect, and a pledge form to complete. We hope to have all the pledges back in by Sun 21st July so that we can announce the result on Sunday 28th.

Remember, if everyone contributes, a big problem becomes a big opportunity.