About Us

At Penhurst and Ashburnham we aim to be churches that are accessible to everyone; to be a place where people feel welcome and can experience something of the love of God.

Gathering together is part of our regular rhythm as Christians.  We come together to worship God each Sunday, at 9.15 am at Penhurst and at 11 am at Ashburnham, to sing hymns and songs, pray, listen to God's word, support and encourage each other, and to remember with bread and wine what Jesus has done for us.

At Penhurst we use the Book of Common Prayer, while at Ashburnham Common Worship is used primarily.  These services reflect the traditional and contemporary breadth of liturgy in the Church of England and seek to offer services which are welcoming, meaningful and accessible to all.

After each service refreshments are served at both churches.  At Ashburnham prayer ministry is available for any who wish to be prayed for, and there is also a Sunday Club for those aged 4+.  

Occasionally the two congregations worship together, usually on a 5th Sunday in the month, or special occasions.

Please contact the Rector, Revd Gary Cregeen for any further information

Tel: 01424 612324  Email: [email protected]