Our Tenpenny Pledge

Tenpenny Pledge

The popular Astronomer Sir Patrick Moore had an extraordinary week in the 70’s. He managed to interview the Wright brothers (the world’s first successful aeroplane aviators) and an Apollo 11 moon walker in the same week. Such a week showed the rapid change of the 20th century and that occurred 50 years ago!

Why mention rapid change? In an ever-changing world, God remains the same and as Christians we are called to be “salt and light”. I would like to suggest some pledges that could inform our faith journey and ten disciplines to set a course for our Christian Walk and witness amid such turbulent change.

The pledges involve our time, our talents and a portion of the financial gifts we have been blessed with and I would like you to spend July and August praying through your response, so we are ready for September.

First Pledge:

At a recent Christian leaders course it was impressed upon me afresh the importance of a “Rhythm of Life”. Jesus had a prayer rhythm that was part and parcel of Jewish life. The invitation to have a “rule of life” is similar to those held in Christian communities. I wonder if you have a rhythm of daily prayer? There are some wonderful resources out there to guide us in prayer and offer a simple reflection as we read through parts of the Bible could this be a pledge you could make - to set aside a simple time each day to hand over the day and spend time with the Lord and read words of truth, wisdom and the hope of eternity. It may be an app on your phone you follow or some daily Bible notes.

To be intentional about a daily Quiet time for the bulk of the week

(we don’t give up if we miss one day!). As a development of this rhythm would you consider joining a fellowship group where you journey with other Christians reflecting on Scripture and praying for each other in the rollercoaster of life.

Second pledge:

To reflect on our own gifts and skills and what we can offer to the church. Maybe you have done this in the past but recently? Have you ever encouraged someone else in their gifts and skills? If you are not sure there are useful courses like the “Shape Course” which can help you think what your shape is and how you can bless us other jigsaw shapes that makes our church.

This pledge letter is to encourage you, there will always be simple ways we can serve one another in the church, part of the mechanism of Gospel hope is filling rotas. Things don’t happen by magic - as usual there are some faithful people serving the church, year in year out but “more hands, make …..”

A rider: don’t push yourself beyond your limits, you may actually need to give something up and that’s ok too!

Third Pledge:

A) Are you in a regular pattern of giving? The Bible talks of tithing and the Church of England has suggested that you consider church and charitable giving within that 10% (it doesn’t have to be an upper limit!). Thank you to all of you who regularly give, we are so grateful.

B) I would like to invite you also to make a one off donation in the next month - we have details of projects that each of the churches in the Benefice could be released into and there will be more info to come next week.

C) Finally, would you consider including the Tenpenny Benefice in your will - we all pray that each of us would live a long life and there are always many worthy causes (not least family) but I would like to commend to you the Kingdom work we are engaged with in this beautiful Benefice of Tenpenny.

D) You may be reading this part and feeling frustrated that you are not in a position to give financially - we understand and if you are in need of assistance please let us know - we are called to be a team and share Gods blessings!

E) I am going to suggest that a portion of this giving is assigned to the Diocese’s Lent appeal that is seeking to support in the Diocese of Jerusalem as they seek Peace in Israel and Gaza. The Diocese of Jerusalem, offer healthcare to those in need regardless of race, religion, or ability to pay.

F) Finally - would you prayerfully consider some creative ways to fund raise e.g. sponsored walk / bake sale? I appreciate different convictions around this exist - please act according to your conscience. We believe that God provides but sometimes the journey can be quite creative and missional - it’s not necessarily about the money but our hearts journey in offering our service to God.

Fourth pledge:

We return to my opening point - In a season of ever growing change there is also ever growing choice. The U.S. chain of Starbucks coffee shops allows customers a potential variation of over 10,000 drink combinations on their menu - exhausting!

In this age of anxiety is God calling us to live more simply? Might there be some choices we say no to? How can you create a ‘spaciousness’ in your life? Do you live with constant noise? What about silence? Do you like to indulge at the meal table - what about fasting? Are you always on the socials - a fast from social media? In the last few weeks we have started, “Waiting room”. After a short introduction we are spending two chunks of time in silence … as the noise of life settles, we find it easier to hear the Holy Spirit’s whisper!

Could you review the choices you are making, are there things you need to cut out? Sometimes less is more.

The pledges are challenging but open to all - you can take then as working towards or a baseline to then move on further. It’s a bit like a car MOT and Service for church folk - it’s part of us get fit and ready for a God’s fresh move and for us to be hope bearers in a hurting generation. Thank you for taking the time to read though - may the Lord bless us all as we reflect that it is Jesus church and he promises, “I will build my church”. Matthew 16:18