Electoral Roll

Church Electoral Rolls. Every six years all the parishes in the Church of England are required to re-create their church Electoral Rolls – 2025 is the sixth year since the last one, so the whole CoE is engaged in this exercise in the run-up to our annual meetings in May. The Electoral Roll is the closest the Church of England has to a form of church membership. Everyone on the Electoral Roll is considered to be a member of the church and has voting rights at church annual (APCM) elections. Being on the Roll means you want to support your local church and play a part in what happens in its life. Anyone living in the parish who has been baptised and is over 16 is entitled to be on the Roll, as well as others for whom a particular church is their normal place of worship. You can also be on more than one Electoral Roll. So, for example, if you live in one parish, but consider another to be your ‘spiritual home’ where you have worshipped regularly for six months or more, you can be on the Roll of either or both.

It would be really good if as many parishioners as possible could sign up to help support your parish. Please contact the vicar or one of your church wardens to ask for a form. Alternatively, you can download the form here (https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2023-07/application-for-enrolment-electoral-roll.docx), and complete and return the form either online, or by posting it, to the vicar or a church warden.