We are here to serve the combined Anglican churches and the wider communities of Corsham, Neston and Gastard. Our main aim is to grow followers of Jesus Christ through three key areas of activity which build upon each other, and which encourage us to look up, in and out:
Growing in God (or looking up). We will be committed to being disciples of Jesus through prayer, Bible study and an active Christian life.
Growing in Love (or looking in). We will model Christian love towards each other, creating attractive and hospitable communities of faith where people feel at home.
Growing Community (or looking out). We will engage with our communities, seeking to be a Christian influence and encouraging people to follow Jesus.
Latest Information can be found in our weekly Team News publication at https://greatercorshamchurches.org.uk/news/newsletters/team-news/ and details of services within the team are at https://greatercorshamchurches.org.uk/services/
Please note that with effect from 1st March
2024, the parish of Lacock (with Bowden Hill) joined a new grouping with St Peter’s Chippenham. You can find details of their services by emailing: [email protected] or at their new website https://lacockchurches.org.uk/ (parts of which may still be under construction).