Greetings from Revd Lizzie

Numbers, Poems and Grace

Dear All Saints and St Marys

On February 27th this week, the church remembered the Poet and Priest George Herbert. (1593-1633). He was a prolific writer. Through books, poems and hymns he managed to craft something about the ordinary life with God's remarkable and extraordinary grace. He is both deeply serious and yet hopeful and light to read. I was gifted a book of poems a few months ago, a collection by Janet Morley. In it, at the beginning of Lent, is a poem by George Herbert. It is called Trinity Sunday. Weird perhaps to think of Trinty Sunday at this point in the year - but the poem, albeit it brief, is more about the way in which three's come together for good and grace. There are three verses, three virtues, three nouns, three verbs to end. It feels that it combines the whole of the three theologies of creation, contrition and resurrection. I leave it here for your prayers and ponderings as we make our way towards Lent.

Trinity Sunday by George Herbert

Lord, who hast formed me out of mud,
And hast redeemed me through thy blood,
And sanctified me to do good;

Purge all my sins done heretofore:
For I confess my heavy score,
And I will strive to sin no more.

Enrich my heart, mouth, hands in me,
With faith, with hope, with charity;
That I may run, rise, rest with thee.

This Last Sunday before Lent - 2nd March

10.00 - Creative Church - St Marys
10.30 - Holy Communion with Band and Junior Church - All Saints
6.30pm - Evensong - St Marys

The week ahead

Monday 3rd 10.30am Tiny Tots - All Saints
7.30pm - Lent Group
Tues 4th 10:30am – Music for Toddlers - St. Marys

Ash Wednesday

Weds 5th 9:00am - Celtic Morning Prayer – All Saints

10:00am – Holy Communion - St. Mary’s
1.00pm - Lent Group - St Mary's

Friday 7th - 2.00pm - World Day of Prayer - All Saints
Saturday 8th 12–2:00pm - Saturday Lunches - St. Mary’s

Sunday 9th

8:00am – Holy Communion – All Saints
10:00am – Holy Communion – St. Mary’s
10:30am – Muddy Messy Church – All Saints
4.30pm – Generations – Crazy Golf at Frenchay.

Revd Lizzie

Vicar of All Saints and St Marys Churches, Fishponds
Interim Co Area Dean Bristol City Deanery